Thursday, May 28, 2009

Denial is the first sign...

There has been a slight pressure for posts in English, very slight, but still. I haven't quite made up my mind yet, but there might be a few more posts in English, I guess time will tell. So, in honor of procrastination here's a post before I get back to that proposal.

There are some people who claim that I have a caffeine addiction. Some even claim it's severe. My objections to these statements are rarely acknowledged, but often met with comments like "oh, denial is the first sign" and other, similar things. And it is true that I drink a few cups of coffee a normal day. However, the past weekend proves me right. From Friday afternoon, until Monday morning, I had one, yes, one, cup of coffee. One. And I admit a slight headache on Saturday morning, but feel confident that it can be fully attributed to the not-insignificant-amounts of alcohol that were consumed on Friday night.

No, if you should be worried about any addiction of mine, it is probably more reasonable to comtemplate my tendencies to not stop myself from shopping stuff from B&H. (Tripod and tripod head on it's way! Yay for free shipping and no sales tax - saved me a few bucks to order it online instead of picking it up in-store...) But I started to think that maybe I too need an external hard drive? It's a good thing to have right? Better get back to that proposal before I happen to hit my "Digital photography" button...

1 comment:

Magnus Persson said...

Det är bara dina engelskspråkiga vänner som inte är vana vid kaffebälande svenskar! ;-P